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Virtual Assistant Services

  • Database management

    Database managers develop and maintain organizations' databases. They create data storage and retrieval systems, troubleshoot database issues, and implement database recovery procedures and safety protocols. They also supervise the daily activities of database teams. Completely free trial, no card required.

  • Email management

    A systematic approach to maximizing the efficiency of email practices and minimizing the negative effects that email handling can have on an individual's productivity and job satisfaction.

  • Appointment setting/Calendar management

    A professional who schedules consultations between sales staff and prospective clients, ensuring that important meetings are booked for the sales team.

  • Admin support

    Supports the general administrative functions of a wide variety of academic or administrative units including answering phones, greeting/referring/assisting visitors, customers, staff, or others, preparing documents and reports, compiling records, scheduling meetings, organizing and maintaining information, coordinating calendars, analyzing data including budgetary expenditures, and providing general office support.